Friday, April 22, 2011

taqlid dan Talfik

Taqlid dan Talfiq
Taqlid dari segi bahasa berasal dari kata qiladah [kalung] (Munawwir, 1997) yaitu yuqallidu ghairahu biha (mengikuti pendapat orang lain). Dan dari segi istilah berarti mengikuti pendapat orang lain (qail) dan tidak mengetahui hujjahnya atau dalilnya (Hakim, tanpa tahun). Atau dengan pengertian lain taqlid berarti mengambil pendapat orang lain untuk diamalkan tanpa mengetahui dalilnya. Misalnya mengambil pendapat Imam Syafi’i yaitu menyapu sebagian kepala dalam berwudhu tanpa mengetahui dalil pendukungnya itu. Mengikuti pendapat Abu Hanifah yaitu tidak membaca al-Fatihah bagi makmum ketika sholat, tanpa mengetaui dalil yang mendasari pendapat itu (Insiklopedi Hukum Islam, 2001).
Sedangkan Talfiq adalah cara mengamalkan suatu ajaran agama dengan mengikuti secara taqlid tata cara berbagai madzhab, sehingga dalam satu amalan terdapat pendapat berbagai madzhab. Ulama’ Ushul Fiqh mendefinisakan Talfiq dengan melakukan suatu amalan dengan tata cara yang sama sekali tidak dikemukakan oleh mujtahid manapun (Insiklopedi Hukum Islam, 2001). Dalam masalah ini disyaratkan dua hal yaitu mengikuti pendapat dengan cara taklid dan adanya penggabungan beberapa pendapat dalam satu permasalahan. Dan terkait dengan permaslahan talfiq ini, ulama fiqh juga membahas persoalan mengambil amalan atau pendapat dari berbagai madzhab yang paling mudah dan ringan. Dalam istilah seperti ini disebut dengan tabarru’ur rukhash. Dan terjadi perbedaan pendapat di kalangan ulama’ berkenaan dengan hal ini
Contoh talfiq yaitu dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut. Ketika berwudhu khususnya saat menyapu kepala, seorang mengikuti tata cara yang dikemukakan oleh Imam asy-Syafi’i. Beliau berpandapat bahwa dalam berwudhu seorang cukup menyapu sebagian kepala, yang batas minimalnya tiga helai rambut. Setelah berwudhu orang tersebut bersentuhan kulit dengan seorang perempuan yang bukan mahramnya. Sedangkan menurut Syafi’i persentuhan kulit laki-laki dengan perempuan ajnaby (perempuan yang halal dinikahi) tanpa hijab membatalkan wudhu. Namun dalam persentuhan kulit setelah berwudhu orang tersebut mengambil pendapat Imam Abu Hanifah dan meninggalkan pendapat Syafi’i. Abu Hanifah menyatakan bahwa persentuhan kulit tersebut tidak membatalkan wudhu. Dalam kasus ini, pada amalan wudhu terkumpul dua pendapat sekaligus yaitu pendapat Imam asy-Syafi’i dan pendapat Imam Abu Hanifah. Dampaknya adalah amalan itu tidak dinilai benar (sah) oleh masing-masing imam alias batal.
Pendapat 4 Imam Madzhab Mengenai Taklid
Imam Abu Hanifah berkata, “Jika pendapatku menyalahi (bertentangan) dengan kitab Allah dan Hadits maka tinggalkanlah pendapatku.” Dan Imam Malik berkata, “Semua kita menolak dan ditolak pendapanya kecuali pemilik kuburan ini yaitu Nabi Muhammad SAW.” Sejalan dengan pernyataan ini Imam asy-Syafi’i pun berkata, “Perumpamaan orang yang menuntut ilmu tanpa mengetahui hujjahnya bagaikan pencari kayu bakar di malam hari dengan membawa seikat kayu dan ada seekor ular yang mematuknya sedangkan ia tidak mengetahuinya.” tuturnya. Begitu juga dengan Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal yang mengatakan, “Janganlah kalian ikuti pendapatku, Malik, Tsaury dan Auza’y tapi ambillah dari sumber (mana) mereka mengambil.” (Hakim, tanpa tahun).
Dari pernyataan 4 Imam madzhad di atas bahwa sebenarnya mereka pun menginginkan umat ini untuk meneliti pendapat yang mereka fatwakan dan berusaha menelusuri dalil yang dijadikan pegangan oleh mereka. Artinya tidak serta merta menerima pendapat mereka tanpa usaha untuk mengkritisi pendapat itu. Di sini letak kelemahan umat islam yang terkadang fanatik pada salah satu madzhab tanpa dibarengi dengan usaha untuk meneliti pendapat madzhabnya. Walaupan dari segi keilmuan dan kemampuan mengistinbatkan hukum mereka jauh lebih layak dibanding manusia pada umumnya. Akan lebih baik dan bijak jika kita tetap melakukan ijtihad terhadap masalah-masalah yang muncul dengan tidak menafikan pendapat (ijtihad) mereka.
1. Taqlid adalah mengikuti pendapat salah seorang mujtahid tanpa mengetahuhi dalil yang dijadikan pegangan oleh mujtahid tersebut.
2. Talfiq adalah mengambil pandapat dari berbagai madzhab kemudian memilih yang paling mudah dan ringan dalam penerapannya (aplikasinya).
3. Taqlid dibolehkan dalam hukum-hukum yang memerlukan penelitian dan ijtihad sedangkan dalam hukum-hukum yang tidak memerlukan penelitian dan ijtihad (al-ma’lum min ad-din bi adh-dharurah) tidak diperbolekan taqlid secara mutlak.
4. Pada hakikatnya para Imam madzhab tidak mengaruskan kaum muslimin untuk taqlid pada pendapat mereka namun justru menyarankan untuk meneliti dalil secara individu.
1. Taqlid dalam permasalahan hukum yang menghendaki penelitian dan ijtihad masih banyak terjadi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan mukallaf untuk memahami dalil (hujjah) yang digunakan dalam istinbath hukum itu. Sehingga mereka cenderung bertaqlid yang dinilai mudah dan praktis. Untuk itu disarankan kepada para mukallaf untuk meneliti dalil yang digunakan dalam beramal. Manakala usaha telah dilakukan dan tidak menemui jalan keluar atau solusi karena keterbatasan dan lain sebagainya diperbolehkan untuk bertaqlid.
2. Para mufti yang memberikan fatwa kepada masyarakat luas diharapkan juga menyertai dengan penjelasan tentang hujjah yang dijadikan pedoman dalam permasalahan itu. Dengan demikian setidaknya mukallaf mengetahui hujjah ketika mengamalkan sesuatu itu karena sudah mendapat penjelasan dari mufti. Begitu jug sang mukallaf akan termotivasi menggali lebih dalam hujjah dari perkataan itu.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

story of Alex

Once upon a time, there was a little boy whose name was Alex. He often visited his aunt, and she always gave him something when he left her house. Sometimes she gave him something to eat. Sometimes she gave him something to wear. Sometimes she gave him to play with, the most important one she always gave sometging.
One day Alex went to visit his aunt. When he was leaving, she said to him “ Here is a little cake, Alex. Please take it to your mother. Carry it carefully and don’t drop it!”. “ Thank you, Aunty,” said Alex, and he started home. He carried the cake carefully in his hands. But he held it very tightly because he did not want to drop it. When he got home, he said to his mother, “Look at mother, Aunty sent you a nice little cake.”. “Where is it?” his mother asked. “here in my hands.” He replied and opened his hands to show her the cake.
“Oh Alex, you’re foolish boy,” she cried. “ You’ve ruined it. You shouldn’t carry a cake like that. You sould wrap it carefully in some leaves and carry it on your head.”. “I’m sorry mother,” said Alex sadly. “But I’ll remember next time,” he promised.
The next week, he went to see his aunt again. When he was leaving, she said to him,”here is some butter Alex. Please take it to your mother. Carry it carefully and don’t drop it!”. “ Thank you, Aunty,” said Alex, and he started home. Then he remembered what his mother had said. He wrapped the butter carefully in some leaves and carried it on his head. On the way home, it was very hot and soon the butter began to melt down his face, down his shirt, down his shorts. When he got home he said to his mother. “Look at mother, Aunty sent you some butter. I remembered what you said. I wrapped it carefully in some leaves and carried it on my head.”
“Oh Alex, you’re stupid boy!”cried his mother.”You’ve ruined it. You shouldn’t carry butter like that. You should wrap it in some leaves and put it in the river to cool first. Then carry it carefully in your hands.” “I’m sorry mother,” Alex said sadly.”But I’ll remember next time,” he promised.
The next week he went to see his aunt again. When he was leaving, she said to him,”here is a kitten for you, Alex”. “Oh thank you aunty,” he said. I’ve wanted a kitten for a long time.” He started home and then he remembered what his mother had said. He wrapped the kitten carefully in some leaves and tried to put it into the river to cool.
“MEAOOONG…,” cried the kitten. It jumped out of the water and scratched Alex. The cat scratched his hands, his arms, his face and the cat tore his shirt. Then the cat ran away, and Alex could not Find it. He went home crying.
“What’s the matter?” his mother asked. “Aunty gave me a kitten. I remembered what you said, so I wrapped it carefully in some leaves and tried to put it into the river but the cat scratched me and ran away.” And Alex began to cry again.
“Oh Alex,” cried his mother. “You’re foolish boy. You’ve ruined your shirt. You shouldn’t put a cat in water. You should take a piece of string, tie it around the cat’s neck and bring it along behind you.”
“I’m sorry mother,” Alex said sadly.”But I’ll remember it next time.”he promised. The nex week, Alex went to see his aunt again. When he was leaving, she said to him “here is a loaf of bread, Alex. Please take it to your mother ,” and she gave him the bread.
“Thank you aunty,” he said and started home. Then he remembered what his mother had said. He took a piece of string, tied it around the bread and carefully pulled it along behind him. When he got home, he said to his mother “Look at mother. Aunty has sent you a nice loaf of bread.” “Where is it?”asked his mother.”Here is it,” Alex replied. “I remembered what you said, mother. I took a piece of string, tied it around the bread and pulled it carefully behind me,” and he showed her the bread.
“Oh Alex, you’re stupid boy!”cried his mother. “You’ve ruined it. It’s all dirty. You shouldn’t pull bread behind you like that. You should carry it on your head.” Poor Alex. He was very sad. “I’ve done everything wrong. But ,”he promised, “I’ll remember it next time.”

Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo together with mount Tengger and mount Semeru, is one of the beautiful places in East Java. Watching the sun rises from crest of mount Bromo is a very exciting experience for the tourist coming to this mountain. To reach the area which is about 2,392 m above sea level, people usually take abus or a car as the village of Ngadisari. From there a pony ride will take tourist to the rim of to the fire God. Betoro bromo, the legend goes asa follows.
Hundred of years ago, during the rign of the last king of Majapahit, Brawijaya one of the king’s wives give birth to a girl, who has named Roro Anteng. Later this young princess married Joko Seger, who came from Brahmana castle. Because of an unfortunatle situation the couple was forced to leave the kingdom. They settled down in the mountain area. They ruled the area named it “Tengger”, which was derived from a couple’s name Roro Anteng and Joko Seger.
After several years the region flourished in prosperity, but Roro Anteng and joko Seger were unhappy because they did not have a child. Frustated, they climbed the top of the mountain and prayed night and day hoping that the God would listen. The prayer was heard and Betoro Bromo promised them many children. However, the couple had to promise that they would sacrifice their youngest child to return.
Roro Anteng gave birth of child, then another , and another. In the end Roro Anteng and Joko Seger got 25 children. Soon it was time for them to sacrifice the youngest child, Kesuma, but the parents just couldn’t do it. They tried to hide the child but eruption happened and Kesuma fell into crater. There was silence before they heard a voice “ “I have to be sacrifice so that you will all stay alive. From now on, you should arrange an annual offering ceremony on the 14th Kesodo (the twelfth month of Tenggrese calendar)” It was Kesuma’s voice.
Kesuma’s brothers and sisters held the offering ceremony every year. Instead of a human being, this people collected fruits, vegetables, rice and meat to be offered ti the Gods. And this has been done generation after generation until today.


Once upun a time, there lived a poor man named Geppetto, a carpenter. He made puppets from pieces of wood. He called his favourite puppet “Pinocchio”. “I would love to be a father to a real boy,” he wished. One night. A fairy who knew that Geppetto was a good man, cast a magic spell over Pinocchio. The very next day. Geppetto awoke and was very happy to find that Pinocchio could walk, sit, sing, talk and run.
Poor Geppetto wanted to send Pinocchio to school. He sold his only coat for a spelling book. “Now you can go to school like a real boy!” said Geppetto as he waved goodbye to Pinocchio. On the way to school, Pinocchio stopped to watch a puppet show in the town.”Would you like to join my puppet show?” asked the evil puppet master. Pinocchio happily agreed. He was locked inside the master’s caravan. He was shocked why he was tied. He raised this protest to the master but he didn’t hear him.
The good fairy suddenly appeared, He set him free and Pinocchio was very happy.”I am going straight to school,” he said. On the way, he met an evil fox who told him all about school and gave fun Island. Pinocchio forgot all about school and gave the fox his spelling book in return for a ticket to Fun Island. “Where are you going Pinocchio?” asked the good fairy.”I am on my way to school,“ lied Pinocchio. Pinocchio’s nose suddenly grew very , very long! He wished he hadn’t told lie! The fairy called a bird to peck at his long nose because Pinocchio was very sorry. Pinocchio promised never to be naughty ever again and went straight to school. At school, Pinocchio told his friend all about fun Island.
Aftr school, together with his friends, he hurriedly went aboard a ship that was going to fun Island. They didn’t know that on the Island little boys we turned into donkeys and they had to do very hard work. Pinocchio cried and whised he hadn’t come to the Island. He also whised he hadn’t look like a silly donkey. The fairy heard his wish and with a wave of her magic hand he became Pinocchio again.
Pinocchio sat on the shore, sadly looking out the sea. He wondered if he would ever see Geppetto again. Suddenly, he saw Geppetto who had sailed out to the sea in search of Pinocchio. But, suddenly he saw that Geppetto in danger. A huge whale was following him. Then, the whale swallowed Geppetto and his boat. Pinocchio knew he had to save Geppetto. He jumped to the water and swam with all his might. As he got closer, the whale opened its mouth and Pinocchio swam right in! Deep inside the whale’s belly, Pinocchio and Geppetto hugged each other, happy to be together again. “We must make a fire from the wood of my boat.” Said Geppetto. The smoke from the fire made the whale sneeze. They were thrown out of the whale’s mouth, back to the sea. Pinocchio and Geppetto swam safely to the shore.
They were both tired. They laid on the sand and fell asleep. When Geppetto awoke, Pinocchio had become a real boy. !”At last my wish has come true!”cried Geppetto. After that, they lived happily ever after.

Monday, April 4, 2011

random story

Mantu's little elephant
Little Mantu lived in a village deep in te jungle where elephants helped the men with their work. These elephants were so big and strong. They could lift up the heaviest logs with their trunks and toss them high in the air.
Now, Mantu had an elephant of his very own. his name was Opie.He was just a baby and mantu loved him very much. Mantu whispered to Opie's ear that someday he would become the biggest, strongest and bravest elephant in the jungle. The other elephants heard this. They began to laugh and made rude noises with their trunks."We're so big and tall. but you're so small. You're nothing at all,"said one of the big elephants.

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